The seventeenth season of American Idol premiered on March 3, 2019 on the ABC television network. It is the show's second season to air on ABC. Ryan Seacrest continues his role as the show's host, while Katy Perry, Luke Bryan and Lionel Richie returned for their second season as judges. Bobby Bones returned as the in-house mentor, and acted as guest host for the taped April 8, 2019 episode.
American Idol - Season 18 returns February 16, 2020 on ABC. Come chat about anything Idol with other fans! American Idol 2020 Release Date on ABC; When Does It Start Jan 16, 2020
When is American Idol premiere? 2020 season TV channel
Mar 27, 2020
If American Idol continues to air on Sundays, it’ll move back to that more familiar start date. Bookmark this page. I’ll be updating the schedule as ABC releases episode information. UPDATE 3/21: American Idol halted production, and will likely end with the Final judgement episode. Hawaii Showcase and Final Judgement, originally scheduled
American Idol FAQ – American Idol Net To help answer many persistent curiosities throughout every season of American Idol, here is a collection of Frequently Asked Questions.. ARE AMERICAN IDOL CONTESTANTS PAID FOR BEING IN THE COMPETITION? Once a contestant reaches the Top 10 and in some seasons the Top 12, they start to receive a paycheck for appearing and performing on the weekly shows.
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