Sudo - An Advanced Howto - CentOS Help

saz/sudo · Manage sudo configuration via Puppet · Puppet Forge Manage sudo configuration via Puppet. A repository of 6,551 modules for Puppet and Puppet Enterprise® IT automation software Manage sudo privileges | The sudo::conf 'admins' line creates a sudoers rule that ensures that members of the admins group have the ability to run any command using sudo. This resource creates a configuration fragment file to define this rule in /etc/sudoers.d/. It's called something like 10_admins. How to Use the Netplan Network Configuration Tool on Linux Sep 07, 2018

Sudo and Sudoers Configuration | Servers for Hackers

Learn about the Bitnami HTTPS Configuration Tool

Sudo Manager: Sudo Configuration, Access, Privileges

How to Setup Sudo Privileges for User in Linux – TecAdmin Dec 27, 2019 How to Run sudo Without Password - Linux Handbook In Linux, you can change sudo configuration to run some or all command with sudo but without entering password. If you are on a server, you should be extra careful specially if you have SSH enabled. Maybe, you should disable SSH access with password first. Let’s see how to use sudo with no password.