Oct 08, 2016
Delete Files Protected by TrustedInstaller in Windows 10 There are a lot of files in Windows based operating systems which come with restrictions. The TrustedInstaller.exe is a Windows Module Installer service in Windows OS which performs the function of installing, modifying and removing system components and Windows updates. Who is "Trusted Installer?" Solved - Windows 10 Forums Aug 14, 2015
• C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-trustedinstaller_31bf3856ad364e35_6.3.9600.17031_none_81fe85d320f806e1\ Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard x64 with update: FileVersion File Md5 File Size File Bit File Path
Windows 10 Home - Getting "TrustedInstaller" permission to
The TrustedInstaller.exe process is a part of the Windows Modules Installer for Microsoft Windows Operating System. It is responsible for the management of Windows updates. Recommendation: The TrustedInstaller.exe process is not an essential file to the computer system.
The trustedinstaller.exe is an executable file on your computer's hard drive. This file contains machine code. If you start the software Microsoft® Windows® Operating System on your PC, the commands contained in trustedinstaller.exe will be executed on your PC. The TrustedInstaller.exe file is a Windows system file. The program has no visible window. The file is a Microsoft signed file. Therefore the technical security rating is 2% dangerous; but you should also compare this rating with the user reviews. Recommended: Identify TrustedInstaller.exe related errors